Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Fireworks in Wiscony

Hi all. I'm back from my trip to Wisconsin for the 4th of July. I had such a great time. Both my brothers were able to come home so it was the first time that the whole family has been together for about 2 years. And the first time we were all together at home for even longer!

I relaxed the entire time. Took pics of the new lilies that opened in my parents little pond. The goldfish pretty much doubled in size since last year.

The hubs, my brother and his girlfriend made some awesome sushi one evening. I didn't do much to help, heh heh, although I did take pictures to record the event and I picked a cucumber from the garden.

Played yard games for days. It was so nice just to be outside all the time instead of behind the computer. The mosquitoes were crazy and it was super hot and humid, but it was still awesome. We played Norwegian Golf, Holy Board, Croquet, and Bocce Ball. Below is the pic the hubs had to take to document that he won at this round of Bocce.

Then we went to my Grandpa's house to shoot off fireworks. I love taking fireworks pics. I basically just hold down the "Continuous photo" button on my camera and shoot away. Fun!

The next day my Mom baked me a rainbow chip angel food cake for my bday (July 6). Super sugary and sweet and pretty gross, but I love it! It was my fav when I was little and I just have to have it on my Bday. Yum!

So how were all y'alls holiday?

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